What Drives Your Decisions And Choices

Every situation offers you the chance to make a choice. It seems pretty simple. With every situation there is an input, or stimulus, that prompts you to make a decision. There is also your response to the input/stimulus, which in turn is your decision.

The thing is, there is a third component to this process. It’s the space between the stimulus and the response, and there is where you have a choice. 

 “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” – Viktor Frankl

The decisions we make on how to respond to those situations influences the outcomes. Being aware to choose a response, rather than unconsciously reacting based on emotions or assumptions can make a huge difference in your level of satisfaction with your decision. Also, learning to drive your choices based on your values improves your level of satisfaction, as well as your decision-making.

Whose values are driving your decisions? Are they societal, business, personal?

For example…

  • You receive new information about a loved one and aren’t sure what to do
  • A challenging co-worker is making your day tough to handle
  • A financial change in your life is causing you to reexamine priorities

Do you react or do you respond?

  1. Be aware of what triggers a reaction and shift to consciously choose to respond.
  2. Know the difference between your values and societies values. Make sure you aren’t making a decision based on what you “think” is right.
  3. Complete a Values Assessment to determine your "current" values. If you aren’t sure how to align with your values, use online tools to find out or reach out to a coach.
  4. Know that your values may change over time and that's perfectly normal. With age, experience, wisdom, etc., what you value is different.  

Be aware of the energy around all of this and see if you are helping or hurting yourself with the decisions you are making.

If you need support around this area, please reach out.