Challenge or Opportunity?
Leaders and organizations today are faced with constantly changing work environments. It may come in the form of mergers/acquisitions, cultural shifts, retaining top talent or embracing a new generational workforce. And far too often, there isn’t enough time spent on working through the changes. This causes a huge challenge for leaders, as they’re expected to keep daily operations flowing, without being given the chance to look at these challenges not as roadblocks, but as opportunities. Partner with me and I’ll help you and your organization dedicate the proper time to embracing the change and learning from it.
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom"
-Viktor Frankl
Will they follow you?
People will either follow you because they want to or because they have to.
Leaders that experience continued success are those whose team members want to follow them. Are people following you because they are scared of you? Are you demanding and eliciting fear? Do you know that type of behavior causes you to burn a lot of bridges along the way? There are other options. Are you even aware how you are showing up to your team? Do you know what they really think? Do you want to foster solid, long-lasting business relationships AND be extremely successful? I can help you determine how you show up in leadership situations at work or in other parts of your life, and then work with you to shift your energy to maximize your impact.
Untapped Leadership Potential?
Every one of us knows, that deep down inside, we have untapped potential. We have a deeper drive and connection to make a broader impact in the world. Whether it’s at work, home, or in one of our communities, there is more to what we want to accomplish. There can be a number of things holding us back from these goals. Let me help you identify and remove those internal or external barriers keeping you from boosting your potential.